



The birds of paradise inhabit the tropical regions of Australia, particularly numerous endemic species are found on New Guinea Island.



Male adult birds are known for their beautiful ornamental feathers and perform a variety of courtship dances during the breeding season.



On the other hand, female adult birds have a plain appearance.



Additionally, they are considered the national bird of Papua New Guinea.





英語 日本の意味 品詞 例文(英語)
birds of paradise 極楽鳥 名詞

Birds of paradise are known for their vibrant feathers.


inhabit 生息する 動詞

These birds inhabit the jungles of New Guinea.


endemic 固有の 形容詞

New Guinea Island is a habitat for many endemic species.


species 名詞

There are numerous species of birds of paradise.


New Guinea Island ニューギニア島 名詞 Birds of paradise are abundant on New Guinea Island.(極楽鳥はニューギニア島に豊富に生息しています。)
Male 雄の 名詞

Male birds of paradise have vibrant feathers.


ornamental 飾りの 形容詞

Ornamental feathers of males are used in courtship displays.


feather 羽毛 名詞

Birds of paradise have colorful feathers.


courtship 求愛 名詞

Males perform intricate dances during courtship.


breeding season 繁殖期 名詞

The breeding season is a time of active courtship.


female 雌の 名詞 Females have a plain appearance compared to males.(メスはオスに比べて地味な外見です。)
plain 地味な 形容詞

Female birds have a plain appearance compared to males.


appearance 外見 名詞

Male birds of paradise have a striking appearance.


national bird 国鳥 名詞

The birds of paradise are the national bird of Papua New Guinea.


Papua New Guinea パプアニューギニア 名詞

Birds of paradise are highly revered in Papua New Guinea.



The birds of paradise inhabit the tropical regions of Australia, particularly numerous endemic species are found on New Guinea Island. Male adult birds are known for their beautiful ornamental feathers and perform a variety of courtship dances during the breeding season. On the other hand, female adult birds have a plain appearance. Additionally, they are considered the national bird of Papua New Guinea.



Where do birds of paradise inhabit?

a) Polar regions

b) Desert areas

c) Subtropical regions

d) Tropical regions



What is the appearance of adult female birds?

a) Luxurious plumage

b) Striking colors

c) Deep vocalization

d) Plain appearance





Where do birds of paradise inhabit?

a) Polar regions 極地

b) Desert areas 砂漠地帯

c) Subtropical regions  亜熱帯地域

d) Tropical regions 熱帯地域



What is the appearance of adult female birds?

a) Luxurious plumage 豪華な羽毛

b) Striking colors 豪華な羽毛

c) Deep vocalization 深い鳴き声

d) Plain appearance 平凡な外観