



Bears are large mammals. Encounters with bears can potentially lead to incidents.



There are two types of bears, the Brown bear and the Asiatic black bear, inhabiting the remote mountain forests.



It's important to remain calm when encountering bears. Moving away quietly when you're 20 meters or more from a bear is generally effective.



From 10 to 5 meters, making noise by saying "Hey" is recommended to alert them to your presence.



If suddenly faced with a bear within 5 meters, use bear repellent spray.



If attacked, crouch down to protect your neck and wrists.



Also, if your eyes meet the bear's, do not look away, as bears might perceive it as you considering them "weaker."



ナッツ ... nuts

I can concentrate better when I eat nuts.










単語 品詞 意味 例文
Encounter 動詞 遭遇する She didn't expect to encounter her old friend at the conference.
Remote 形容詞 遠くの He lived in a remote village, far away from the bustling city.
Calm 形容詞 穏やかな Taking deep breaths helps to stay calm during stressful situations.
Effective 形容詞 効果的な Regular exercise is an effective way to improve overall health.
Attack 名詞 攻撃する The army planned a surprise attack on the enemy's base.
Protect 動詞 守る It's important to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Perceive 動詞 知覚する Bears might perceive eye contact as a sign of dominance.



Bears are large mammals. Encounters with bears can potentially lead to incidents. There are two types of bears, the Brown bear and the Asiatic black bear, inhabiting the remote mountain forests. It's important to remain calm when encountering bears. Moving away quietly when you're 20 meters or more from a bear is generally effective. From 10 to 5 meters, making noise by saying 'Hey' is recommended to alert them to your presence. If suddenly faced with a bear within 5 meters, use bear repellent spray. If attacked, crouch down to protect your neck and wrists. Also, if your eyes meet the bear's, do not look away, as bears might perceive it as you considering them 'weaker.


1. What are the two types of bears mentioned in the passage?
   - a) Polar bear and Grizzly bear
   - b) Brown bear and Panda bear
   - c) Brown bear and Asiatic black bear
   - d) Black bear and Koala bear

2. How far away should you ideally be from a bear to move away quietly and effectively?
   - a) 5 meters or less
   - b) 10 meters or more
   - c) 15 meters or more
   - d) 20 meters or more

3. What is recommended when you are within the range of 10 to 5 meters from a bear?
   - a) Use bear repellent spray
   - b) Crouch down quietly
   - c) Move away slowly
   - d) Make noise by saying "Hey"

4. What should you do if suddenly faced with a bear within 5 meters?
   - a) Crouch down
   - b) Use bear repellent spray
   - c) Make noise by saying "Hey"
   - d) Run away quickly

5. Why is it advised not to look away if your eyes meet the bear's?
   - a) To challenge the bear
   - b) Bears like direct eye contact
   - c) Bears might perceive it as weakness
   - d) It is a sign of respect for bears



1. c)

What are the two types of bears mentioned in the passage?



a) Polar bear and Grizzly bear(ホッキョクグマとグリズリーベア
b) Brown bear and Panda bear(ブラウンベアとパンダ
c) Brown bear and Asiatic black bear(ブラウンベアとツキノワグマ
d) Black bear and Koala bear(ブラックベアとコアラベア


2. d)

How far away should you ideally be from a bear to move away quietly and effectively?



a) 5 meters or less( 5メートル以下
b) 10 meters or more(10メートル以上
c) 15 meters or more(15メートル以上
d) 20 meters or more(20メートル以上


3. d)

What is recommended when you are within the range of 10 to 5 meters from a bear?テキストでは、10メートルから5メートルの範囲で何をすることが推奨されていますか?


a) Use bear repellent spray(熊よけスプレーを使用する
b) Crouch down quietly(静かにしゃがむ
c) Move away slowly(ゆっくり後退する
d) Make noise by saying "Hey"("オイっ"と声をかける


4. b)

What should you do if suddenly faced with a bear within 5 meters?



a) Crouch down(しゃがむ
b) Use bear repellent spray(熊よけスプレーを使用する
c) Make noise by saying "Hey"("オイっ"と声をかける
d) Run away quickly(速く逃げる


5. c)

Why is it advised not to look away if your eyes meet the bear's?



a) To challenge the bear(熊に挑戦するため
b) Bears like direct eye contact(熊は直接の視線が好き
c) Bears might perceive it as weakness( 熊はそれを弱さと感じるかもしれないから
d) It is a sign of respect for bears(熊への尊敬の印として