



The Bermuda Triangle is a region located in the North Atlantic Ocean.


It refers to the triangular area connecting the Florida Peninsula, the Bermuda Islands, and Puerto Rico.


In this area, ships and aircraft have been reported missing or involved in mysterious accidents.



Some people believe that paranormal phenomena or the existence of other dimensions are involved.


However, from a scientific perspective, many of these incidents are attributed to natural phenomena or navigational issues.


Factors such as dense fog, sudden changes in weather conditions, compass errors, and mechanical failures of ships and aircraft are cited as reasons.


There are still many mysteries that remain unresolved.





英単語 意味 品詞 例文
region 地域 名詞 The region is known for its scenic beauty. その地域は景観の美しさで知られています。
aircraft 航空機 名詞 The aircraft experienced engine failure during the flight. その航空機は飛行中にエンジン故障を経験しました。
accident 事故 名詞 The accident caused traffic delays on the highway. その事故が高速道路で交通渋滞を引き起こしました。
paranormal phenomenon 超常現象 名詞 Many people claim to have witnessed a paranormal phenomenon in that house. その家で超常現象を目撃したと主張する人が多くいます。
existence 存在 名詞 The existence of life on other planets is a topic of scientific research. 他の惑星に生命の存在は科学的研究の対象です。
other dimension 別の次元 名詞 The concept of traveling to other dimensions is explored in science fiction. 別の次元への旅行の概念はSF作品で探求されています。
scientific perspective 科学的観点 名詞 From a scientific perspective, the phenomenon can be explained by natural causes. 科学的観点からは、その現象は自然な原因によって説明できます。
incident 出来事 名詞 The incident led to a heated debate among the members of the community. その出来事が地域のメンバー間で熱い議論を引き起こしました。
attribute 帰属させられた 名詞 His success is often attributed to his hard work and dedication. 彼の成功は多くの場合、彼の勤勉さと献身によるものです。
natural phenomenon 自然現象 名詞 Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon that occur due to tectonic activity. 地震は地殻活動によって発生する自然現象です。
navigational issue 航行問題 名詞 The navigational issue caused the ship to dev iate from its intended route. 航法上の問題が船を予定ルートから逸れさせました。
dense fog 濃霧 名詞 The dense fog reduced visibility on the road, leading to accidents. 濃霧により道路上の視界が低下し、事故が発生しました。



The Bermuda Triangle is a region located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It refers to the triangular area connecting the Florida Peninsula, the Bermuda Islands, and Puerto Rico. In this area, ships and aircraft have been reported missing or involved in mysterious accidents. Some people believe that paranormal phenomena or the existence of other dimensions are involved. However, from a scientific perspective, many of these incidents are attributed to natural phenomena or navigational issues. Factors such as dense fog, sudden changes in weather conditions, compass errors, and mechanical failures of ships and aircraft are cited as reasons. There are still many mysteries that remain unresolved.


1. Where is the Bermuda Triangle located?
- a) Indian Ocean
- b) North Atlantic
- c) Southern Ocean
- d) Eastern Pacific



2. What happens in the Bermuda Triangle?
- a) Sudden changes in weather
- b) Historical battles
- c) Earthquakes and tsunamis
- d) Landing of spacecraft





1. Where is the Bermuda Triangle located?


- a) Indian Ocean  インド洋

- b) North Atlantic  北大西洋
- c) Southern Ocean 南極洋
- d) Eastern Pacific  東海太平洋



2. What happens in the Bermuda Triangle?


- a) Sudden changes in weather 天候の急変
- b) Historical battles 歴史的な戦い
- c) Earthquakes and tsunamis 自身と津波
- d) Landing of spacecraft  宇宙船の着陸