




North Sentinel Island is an uncontacted island situated in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean.



The indigenous Sentinalese people strongly reject any external contact.



This community continues to lead a lifestyle reminiscent of the Stone Age.



Consequently, due to the risk of ethnic extinction from infectious diseases, approaching the island is strictly prohibited by Indian law.


過去には、上陸を試みた人が 殺害された事件が発生しています。

In the past, incidents have occurred where individuals attempting to land were killed.





単語 品詞 意味 例文
uncontacted island 名詞 未開の島

North Sentinel Island is an uncontacted island in the Bay of Bengal.


indigenous 形容詞 先住民の

The Sentinalese people are indigenous to North Sentinel Island.


strongly reject 動詞 強く拒否する

The Sentinalese people strongly reject any attempts at external contact.


external contact 名詞 外部との接触

External contact with the Sentinalese people is strictly prohibited.


lifestyle 名詞 生活様式

The Sentinalese people have a lifestyle reminiscent of the Stone Age.


reminiscent of 表現 ~を思い起こさせる

Their lifestyle is reminiscent of a time long ago.


ethnic extinction 名詞 民族絶滅

There is concern about the risk of ethnic extinction due to external contact.


infectious diseases 名詞 感染症

External contact could introduce infectious diseases to the isolated population.


approach 動詞 / 名詞 接近

Any approach to North Sentinel Island is strictly prohibited.


prohibit   禁止する

Under Indian law, approaching the island is strictly prohibited.



North Sentinel Island is an uncontacted island located in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean.
The indigenous Sentinalese people vehemently reject any external contact.
This tribe continues to lead a lifestyle reminiscent of the Stone Age.
Consequently, due to the risk of ethnic extinction from infectious diseases, 
approaching the island is strictly prohibited by Indian law.
In the past, incidents have occurred where individuals attempting to land were killed.



North Sentinel Island is located in which of the following?


a) Pacific Ocean

b) Indian Ocean

c) Atlantic Ocean

d) Arctic Circle



Why do the indigenous people, the Sentinalese, refuse external contact?


a) They want to maintain a lifestyle from the Stone Age.

b) There is a risk of ethnic extinction due to infectious diseases from outsiders.

c) They do not accept new technologies.

d) They do not want to build friendly relations with other cultures.





1. b

North Sentinel Island is located in which of the following?



a) Pacific Ocean  太平洋

b) Indian Ocean  インド洋

c) Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

d) Arctic Circle  北極圏


2. b

Why do the indigenous people, the Sentinalese, refuse external contact?



a) They want to maintain a lifestyle from the Stone Age.


b) There is a risk of ethnic extinction due to infectious diseases from outsiders.



c) They do not accept new technologies.



d) They do not want to build friendly relations with other cultures.


画像 (謎のセンチネル族の本拠地、北センチネル島の内部 (allthatsinteresting.com)