【TEDシャドーイング】後編 ビル・グロス: 新規事業を成功させる一番の原因
The number one thing was timing.
Timing accounted for 42 percent of the difference between success and failure.
Team and execution came in second, and the idea, the differentiability of the idea, the uniqueness of the idea, that actually came in third.
Now, this isn't absolutely definitive, it's not to say that the idea isn't important, but it very much surprised me that the idea wasn't the most important thing.
Sometimes it mattered more when it was actually timed.
The last two, business model and funding, made sense to me actually.
I think business model makes sense to be that low because you can start out without a business model and add one later if your customers are demanding what you're creating.
And funding, I think as well, if you're underfunded at first but you're gaining traction, especially in today's age, it's very, very easy to get intense funding.
So now let me give you some specific examples about each of these.
So take a wild success like Airbnb that everybody knows about.
Well, that company was famously passed on by many smart investors because people thought, "No one's going to rent out a space in their home to a stranger."
Of course, people proved that wrong.
But one of the reasons it succeeded, aside from a good business model, a good idea, great execution, is the timing.
That company came out right during the height of the recession when people really needed extra money, and that maybe helped people overcome their objection to renting out their own home to a stranger.
Same thing with Uber.
Uber came out, incredible company, incredible business model, great execution, too.
But the timing was so perfect for their need to get drivers into the system.
Drivers were looking for extra money; it was very, very important.
Some of our early successes, Citysearch, came out when people needed web pages.
GoTo.com, which we announced actually at TED in 1998, was when companies were looking for cost-effective ways to get traffic.
We thought the idea was so great, but actually, the timing was probably maybe more important.
And then some of our failures.
We started a company called Z.com, it was an online entertainment company.
We were so excited about it -- we raised enough money, we had a great business model, we even signed incredibly great Hollywood talent to join the company.
But broadband penetration was too low in 1999-2000.
It was too hard to watch video content online, you had to put codecs in your browser and do all this stuff, and the company eventually went out of business in 2003.
Just two years later, when the codec problem was solved by Adobe Flash and when broadband penetration crossed 50 percent in America, YouTube was perfectly timed.
ちょうどその2年後、Adobe Flashによって問題が解決され、アメリカでブロードバンドの普及率が50%を超えたとき、YouTubeは完璧なタイミングで登場しました。
Great idea, but unbelievable timing. In fact, YouTube didn't even have a business model when it first started.
It wasn't even certain that that would work out. But that was beautifully, beautifully timed.
So what I would say, in summary, is execution definitely matters a lot.
The idea matters a lot. But timing might matter even more.
And the best way to really assess timing is to really look at whether consumers are really ready for what you have to offer them.
And to be really, really honest about it, not be in denial about any results that you see, because if you have something you love, you want to push it forward, but you have to be very, very honest about that factor on timing.
As I said earlier, I think startups can change the world and make the world a better place.
I hope some of these insights can maybe help you have a slightly higher success ratio, and thus make something great come to the world that wouldn't have happened otherwise.
Thank you very much, you've been a great audience.
英単語 | 日本語の意味 | 品詞 | 英語例文(日本語訳) |
findings | 発見 | 名詞 | The research findings were published in a scientific journal.(研究の発見は科学雑誌に掲載されました。) |
factors | 要因 | 名詞 | Several factors contributed to the success of the project.(プロジェクトの成功にはいくつかの要因が寄与しました。) |
organization | 組織 | 名詞 | The organization provides support to local communities.(その組織は地域社会に支援を提供します。) |
potential | 潜在能力 | 名詞 | She has the potential to become a great leader.(彼女には偉大なリーダーになる潜在能力があります。) |
systematic | 系統的な | 形容詞 | The company adopted a systematic approach to problem-solving.(その会社は問題解決に系統的なアプローチを採用しました。) |
instincts | 本能 | 名詞 | Animals rely on their instincts to survive in the wild.(動物は野生で生き残るために本能に頼ります。) |
misperceptions | 誤解 | 名詞 | There are many misperceptions about the effects of the new policy.(新しい政策の影響について多くの誤解があります。) |
execution | 実行 | 名詞 | The execution of the plan was flawless.(計画の実行は完璧でした。) |
adaptability | 適応力 | 名詞 | Her adaptability in changing environments is impressive.(変化する環境での彼女の適応力は印象的です。) |
revenues | 収益 | 名詞 | The company's revenues increased by 20% last year.(昨年、その会社の収益は20%増加しました。) |
funding | 資金調達 | 名詞 | We need more funding to complete the project.(プロジェクトを完了するためにはさらなる資金調達が必要です。) |
competitors | 競争相手 | 名詞 | Our competitors are launching a new product next month.(私たちの競争相手は来月新製品を発売します。) |
difference | 差 | 名詞 | The difference between the two products is significant.(その2つの製品の差は大きいです。) |
differentiability | 差別化 | 名詞 | The differentiability of our services sets us apart from competitors.(私たちのサービスの差別化が競合他社と私たちを区別します。) |
uniqueness | 独自性 | 名詞 | Her uniqueness makes her a valuable team member.(彼女の独自性が彼女を貴重なチームメンバーにしています。) |
important | 重要な | 形容詞 | It is important to arrive on time.(時間通りに到着することが重要です。) |
traction | 牽引力 | 名詞 | The new product is gaining traction in the market.(新製品は市場で牽引力を得ています。) |
intense | 激しい | 形容詞 | The competition was intense.(競争は激しかったです。) |
investors | 投資家 | 名詞 | The investors are expecting high returns.(投資家は高いリターンを期待しています。) |
recession | 不況 | 名詞 | The country is facing a severe recession.(その国は深刻な不況に直面しています。) |
overcome | 克服する | 動詞 | We need to overcome these challenges to succeed.(成功するためにはこれらの課題を克服する必要があります。) |
objection | 反対 | 名詞 | She raised an objection during the meeting.(彼女は会議中に反対を表明しました。) |
talent | 才能 | 名詞 | He has a natural talent for music.(彼には音楽の天賦の才があります。) |
penetration | 普及 | 名詞 | The penetration of smartphones is high in this region.(この地域ではスマートフォンの普及率が高いです。) |
summary | 要約 | 名詞 | Please provide a summary of the report.(レポートの要約を提供してください。) |
insights | 洞察 | 名詞 | His insights into the market trends are valuable.(彼の市場動向に対する洞察は貴重です。) |
audience | 観客 | 名詞 | The audience applauded at the end of the performance.(観客はパフォーマンスの終了時に拍手しました。) |